Delusion is the form of schizophrenia. Delusions are reinforced by the misinterpretation of the situation. This delusion includes many types of [paranoia. Delusions are of many types such as
- Jealousy delusion
- Persecutor delusion
- Grandiose delusion
- Semantic delusion
- Mixed delusion
There are different types of treatment been provided to the patient. Cognitive behavior therapy, family therapy, group therapy, etc. have been given to the patient. Many anti-psychotic drugs are there which is useful in the treatment of delusions.
The correct option is: maintenance rehearsal; elaborative rehearsal
Memory rehearsal is described as the practice or mental technique by which information is processed and retained as a memory.
The two types of memory rehearsal are: maintenance rehearsal and elaborative rehearsal
The maintenance rehearsal refers to the process of storing the given information in the working or short-term memory. It involves repetition of the information without understanding or connecting with other information stored in the memory
Whereas, elaborative rehearsal involves understanding the given information and connecting with other information stored in the memory. This method involves retaining the information in the long-term memory.
Therefore, Nora is maintenance rehearsal. Whereas, Miles is using elaborative rehearsal.
Only a validly ordained priest can validly consecrate the Eucharist. As stated in Canon Law, "The ordinary minister of holy communion is a bishop, presbyter, or deacon." and "The extraordinary minister of holy communion is an acolyte or another member of the Christian faithful designated according to the norm of ⇒ can.
Cheek cells do not have a cell wall. The cheek cell is also denser.