Two major steps are needed to obtain a protein from a gene. Transcription makes it possible to obtain a copy of the gene present on the chromosome, in the form of a messenger RNA (mRNA). Translation is the stage during which this mRNA is read by the ribosome to obtain a protein.
DNA replication is associated with photocopy because replication will give an identical copy of the cell DNA.
Transcription is associated with book printing because in transcription the genetic information will be transferred to another platform (RNA)
Nucleus in a Library since this is where the "book printing" occurs, and where the books (DNA) are
DNA is the book, where all the information are
RNA transcript is the photocopy
Translation is the cooking since it is the protein synthesis
Proteins/polypeptide is the cooking objective, so it is the prepared dish
RNA polymerase is the Xerox machine, it will copy the information in the DNA to RNA transcript
Ribosomes is the cooks, because this is where translation occurs
Activator protein are the bookmarks because it choose wich part of DNA it has to be transcript.
I would tell ypu but the scientists told me to
Think about the actual physical process happening in the cell - the allele (or versions of a gene) are literally physical pieces of DNA strung together into chromosomes. And as the cell divides to form gametes, those chromosomes randomly assort themselves into the two new cells (conditional that each new cell gets one copy of each chromosome, in the case of gametes)...<span>