You can't randomly search people as a government.
The Constitution, through the Fourth Amendment, protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. The Fourth Amendment, however, is not a guarantee against all searches and seizures, but only those that are deemed unreasonable under the law.
The correct answer is veto.
A veto is the ability of the president to reject a law. For example, if the Senate and House of Representatives pass a law they need the president to sign it. The president can refuse to sign it which results in a veto. Then the only way the law would be implemented into American society would be by having the Senate and House of Representatives vote on it again. If both houses vote this law into place with a 2/3rd vote, then this would become law without the presidents help. This process is known as an override.
Indulgences were fake “ tickets to escape purgatory”. The people of the Middle Ages were depressed and only had one religion, catholosizm. These preachers would go around and sell indulgences to people. They said that if you buy indulgences you won’t have to have punishment in purgatory.