I don't know what is meaning
Amount invested in both schemes is $45,000
returns in investment g is 75,000 in 6 years.
yearly return is:
returns in investment h is 105,000 in 9 years
yearly return is:
from the above results we can conclude that investment g has the higher returns.
If a CPA does an audit irresponsibly, the CPA will be held liable to third parties who were recognized and not foreseeable to the CPA for gross negligence.
It needs to be specified if the third party had been “anticipatable,” liability; it may be recognized for ordinary negligence within a Rosenblum v. Adler decision.
income - expenses
net income is an entity's income minus all the expenses, taxes etc and net worth is the total wealth own by individual minus expenses.
c. cash, checking account balances, and travelers' checks.
Money Supply is the concept that means the amount of the liquid financial products and total currency in the market or economy. It is regulated the macro-economically by the monetary policy. So, there are types of measures of money supply or stock:
-M0: narrowly, it means the hard currency in circulation
-MB: it equals M0+ the hard currency which are not technically in circulation and in bank reserves.
-M1: it is the most common one and equals M0 plus checking accounts plus travelers’ checks and other checkable deposits.
-M2: covers M1 and saving accounts and CDs.
-M3: it surrounds the larger deposits.
-MZM: finally, this indicates the money market deposits.
That’s why we could notice that M1 narrowly means the cash, checking account and travelers’ checks.