D. A high literacy rate coupled with higher education can lead to higher paying jobs.
Baman Tribikram
A sculpture of Baman Tribikram erected by Lichchhavi king Man Dev is considered to be the oldest sculpture in Nepal. Sculptures that were created during the Licchchhavi period include ones of Palanchowk Bhagawati, Budhanilkantha, etc.
Is the question complete. Cause it does not seem complete to me
Explanation: Well, Lincoln did not respond directly to Taney's edict, but he did address the issue in his message to Congress that July. He justified the suspension through Article I, Section 9, of the Constitution, which specifies a suspension of the writ “when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.” So of course the answer is B). Lincoln suspended these rules because he felt it was necessary in order to put down the rebellion within the southern states. ❤️hope this helps❤️
It is the "Looking-Glass Self", a term coined by Charles Cooley that explains the importance of our perceptions of how other people perceive us. According to his theory, we cannot form a personal identity without interacting with others. The Looking Glass Self is simply the interactive process of seeing ourselves based on how other view us.