The answer is moss.
Mosses are nonvascular seedless plants. <span>Nonvascular plants have simple tissues specialized for internal water transport.</span>
On the other side, vascular plants have vascular tissue which consists of xylem and phloem. Xylem transport water and minerals from the root to the upper parts of the plant. Phloem transports food and nutrients from the leaves, where they are produced, to the growing or storage parts of the plants.
The answer is the flexibility of DNA.
The flexibility os DNA is what allows transcription factors at distant binding sites to do their job. The DNA loops like cooked spaghetti to bring far-off binding sites and transcription factors close to general transcription factor or mediator proteins.
are complex structure four connected rings of carbon atoms. They are cholesterol which is in all body cells and used to synthesize other steroids:sex hormones, such as estrogen, and testosterone and several hormones from the adrenal glands.
are comprised of an ester of a long-chain alcohol and a fatty acid. Many plants have leaves and fruits with wax coatings to help prevent water loss.
consist of Glycerol portion and fatty acid chains. Only two fatty acids chains; in place of the third is portion that include a phosphate group. THe phosphate portion is soluble in water [hydrophobic] forms the ''head'' of the molecule, while the fatty acids portion is insoluble in water [hydrophobic] and forms a ''tail''.
to store energy for cellular activities. Carbohydrates fat molecules are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
Organisms are made up of a bunch of cells. Billions of cells coming together make up an organism.
Folds exhibit DUCTILE deformation. Folds are bent like pattern formed on the upper crust of the rocks. In simple words, folds are bend in rock strata. These are ductile deformation in the rock strata. These are results of compressional stresses on the rocks. Folds are of two types anticlines and synclines.