Hinduism turned the polytheistic views of the Aryans into one supreme god with multiple forms.
Among the bills vetoed by Tyler was a measure to re-establish a national bank. In response to these vetoes, most of Tyler's cabinet resigned, and Whig congressmen expelled Tyler from the party. A resolution calling for his impeachment was introduced in the House, though it was later defeated.
Most of the revolutions of 1848 generally failed due to the conflicting philosophies of the revolutionaries and thus conservatives regained power. These revolutions represent the end of the age of Metternich.
Is toned more to the state, as opposed to the generality of the constitution.
Increase the size of the country (the United States)
The Northwest Ordinance led in creating of five new states under the Northwest Territory. The five states included Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin.
The Louisiana Purchase led to the beginning of the westward expansion, allowed settlers to settle in the West.
Both the settlements, the Northwest Territory and the Louisiana Purchase, related to the land. Both allowed the United States to occupy wast land towards the West.