Disease spread can affect air travel really badly because it can be so easy for anyone to get infected with how crowded airports can be. This usually results in extra safety steps taken up to cancelled flights due to closed borders. A popular example of this is the current pandemic crisis.
A mother who is blood type O can only pass an O allele to her son or daughter. A father who is blood type AB could pass either an A or a B allele to his son or daughter.
How are ABO alleles inherited by our children?
Inherited Blood type of child
O from the mother B from the father B
Functions of phosphorus in the body,
i) Formation of bones and teeth. It's a component necessary for forming strong bones and teeth in the body.
ii) It's important in helping to make protein in the body for growth. Since many proteins in the body are phosphorylated for regulating their functions.
iii) Activation of enzymes. This done through phosphorylation.
iv) Gene transcription. It provides structural importance to the gene and protein binding is by the presence of phosphorus.
Deficiency of phosphorus in the body;
i) Weak and fragile bones.
ii) Bone pain.
iii) Fragile teeth.
iv) Stiff joints.
Herbaceous stem grow thicker as a result of cell division in the vascular cambium of the stem.