More Americans were able to buy homes after the WWII because of the purchasing power of the American Dollar. In order for the country to experience a drastic economic change, it had to change its policies about taxes, cost of living, and personal wages of its people. So during that time period, people had a lot of money and decided to change their old ways of living in the city and moving into the suburbs to buy a lot and build their own houses there. They found that life was more peaceful and quaint as compared to the city life that's why there was a boom in suburban life after the WW.
A. was able to win in. specific conflicts with the kings of England and France.
Islam was first introduced into india by arab traders. :D
The most major textile machinery during this period was the cotton gin it created a lot of business.
Others are spinner mule, cotton mill industries, and steam power textile industries.
Legal whenever oncoming vehicles are not a hazard.