Alright, basic research basically means finding out an answer to fill in the knowledge that people don't have or we have while applied research basically means to seek the question with an answer and solve the problem. hope this explains it :))
Europe and North America used different tactics such as slavery and trade to industrialize and blossom into more powerful empires. The Chinese had many factions and rifts within themselves thus not thinking and seeing themselves as one strong country while the Europeans and Americans weren't divided and thought of themselves as one people. This also led to the growth of development and human enhancement
Hope it helps
STRONG is an acronym, which means that each letter has a meaning:
S: state the issue
First you specify what the problem is
T: think about options
Think about what are the possibilities that you can choose from...
R: rate consequences
... and what consequences they have
O:organize thoughts
Think about them and organize the pros and cons of each option
N: narrow possibilities
choose the best option(s)
G: go over decision
check one last time if the option was the best