Do all/ some your clothes need ironing?
The word 'media' comes from Latin. ... The three examples of media in South Africa are the same as the examples that one would find elsewhere in the world, namely newspapers and magazines (print media), TV (broadcasting media) and the internet (which is part publishing and part broadcasting media).
In a democratic-like South Africa, it is strongly needed to study on media. Media is a strong weapon against the corrupted people, who forcibly do whatever they want and the human rights are violated.
Media law refers to the legal regulation of culture, entertainment, advertising, broadcasting, telecommunications and generally anything relating to digital and analogue media. This can include books, video, audio, photographs, graphics, software, databases, online publications and other content.
The Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights protects the freedom of all the people who live in South Africa. It is the second chapter of the Constitution – the highest law of the land. The Constitution was signed into law by President Nelson Mandela in 1996.
Supporting evidence " If schools want students to be successful citizens, they should allow students to take the courses they want and let them breathe." does not connect to "Respect the teacher's position as leader in the classroom . . . " sounds like a statement of a tyrant." They are unrealted. Explanation: