The coalition of various reform groups was called the Young Turks.
The gilded age was characterized by economic growth but the name “Gilded Age” was given because of how the world impacted the common people. During this period of time in American history, the wealth gap was very severe and the gilded age was only an era that benefited the wealthy with large occurrences of monopolization . Additionally many technological advancements were made like the construction of the transcontinental railroad linking Atlantic to Pacific.
Himalayas, Mt. Everest, in Nepal
The correct answer should be persuasive
Argumentative essays are about presenting your belief on something, supporting a side, presenting the opinions and facts regarding the other side, and then presenting the arguments you have against those opinions and facts. The purpose of an argumentative essay is to persuade something about the topic that you've chosen, so it's best if you answer persuasive.