It is true that if you have a family history of substance abuse along with a diagnosis of ADHD, you are at risk at getting a possible diagnosis of FAS or FASD.
I hope this helped at all.
Lo siento, no hablo muy bien el español.
La anemia de células falciformes pertenece a un grupo de trastornos conocidos como enfermedad de células falciformes. La anemia de células falciformes es un trastorno hereditario de los glóbulos rojos en el que no hay suficientes glóbulos rojos sanos para transportar oxígeno por todo el cuerpo.
Normalmente, los glóbulos rojos se mueven fácilmente a través de los vasos sanguíneos. En la anemia de células falciformes, la sangre roja tiene forma de hoz o de luna creciente. Estas células pueden atascarse en pequeños vasos sanguíneos, lo que puede ralentizar o bloquear el flujo sanguíneo y el oxígeno a partes del cuerpo.
hm im going off from experience on people i see in my school and i'd say atleast 90 out of those 100
Because bipolar disorder and dementia are gained illnesses (usually at a later age), while anxiety and depression can happen to anyone from past experiences or just stress.
hope its helps you
Curative expenditure treats the disease as well as eases the pain, and is thus concerned as consumption spending. Preventive health care accumulates health stock as well as increases the number of days available to participate in market and non-market activities, which in turn stimulates goods production.
These services are defined as "The process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its determinants, and thereby improve their health".
relating to or used in the cure of diseases : tending to cure. 2 law : serving to correct or negate We have instructed that if a complaint is vulnerable to … dismissal, a district court must permit a curative amendment, unless an amendment would be inequitable or futile.