1. Adaptive radiation: A pattern of evolution in which slightly different species evolve from one common ancestor.
2. Coevolution: A pattern of evolution in which two species evolve in relation to each other.
3. Convergent evolution: A pattern of evolution in which similar characteristics evolve between two unrelated species.
4. Divergent evolution: A pattern of evolution in which very different species evolve from one common ancestor.
5. Gradualism: A theory of evolution that states that a species evolves by consistent, small, steps.
6. Punctuated equilibrium: A theory of evolution that states that a species evolves in spurts of rapid change and then no change.
Radial Loop – This pattern is similar to the ulnar loop, but the difference is the turns point toward the thumb instead of the small finger.
<span>The answer is: Strata</span>
As a characteristic of all living things, homeostasis relates most directly to which of the following biological themes?
A.) Interacting systems.
B.) Stability.
C.) Evolution.
D.) Scale and structure.
Correct: B.) Stability.
During homeostasis the body maintains a constant internal balance (stability) in pH, temperature, blood pressure etc. Cells in a multicellular organism become specialized for particular tasks and communicate with one another in order to maintain homeostasis.
Within the human body these are known as hormone cascades, where several complex steps occur- the tissues signal to one another with the use of hormones released by the endocrine system. The regulation (increase and decrease) of these secretions is achieved by negative feedback loops, where the release of certain substances during a cascade in turn halts the secretion of hormones at earlier stages.
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