Eliminate A immediately, because "367,259 < 364,798" is false.
Elim. C because "367,313 < 367,259" is false.
Thus, B is the correct answer.
C, A, B
A’s rate if change:
B’s rate of change:
(10 - 0) / (-2 - (-4)) = 10 / 2
C’s rate of change:

Substract '-3.4x' at LHS nad the RHS of the above expression.

Add '4' on both LHS and RHs of the above expression.
Multiple 16 by 1 and then divide by 8 which makes 2.
Multiply 36 by 1 and then divide by 9 which makes 4.
x^ -10 or 1/x^10
Step-by-step explanation: