Net photosynthesis- 3mm/20min- 1.5mm/10min
Cellular respiration- 1mm/15min- 0.66mm/10min
Gross photosynthesis = Net photosynthesis + Cellular respiration = 1.5+0.66 = 2.16 (mm/10min)
Rate of photosynthesis = (gross photosynthesis)6 = 2.16 *6 = 12.96 mm/hr
As we are measuring rate of photosynthesis in hr ,we should multiply gross photosynthesis with 6 (as we measured gross photosynthesis for 10 min).
Sky Cover. The total amount of clouds in tenth. Plotted in the station circle according the ... The wind speed is plotted as feathers and half-feathers representing 10 and 5 knots, ... For values above 10 miles, the values are omitted from the map.
Plants adapt or adjust to their surroundings. This helps them to live and grow. A particular place or a specific habitat calls for specific conditions and adapting to such conditions helps the plants to survive. ... If the habitat changes drastically the plant species must adapt, otherwise they would not survive.
Adaptations are special features that allow a plant or animal to live in a particular place or habitat. These adaptations might make it very difficult for the plant to survive in a different place. This explains why certain plants are found in one area, but not in another.
An object in rest will stay at rest unless effected by an outside force and an object in motion will stay in motion unless effected by an outside force
F=ma Force equals mass times acceleration
Fire every action there is and equal and opposite reaction.