Sources of health information are things, people or places from which health information is obtained. Sources of health information provide knowledge or inform people about issues related to health. It may be primary (original source such as diary), secondary or tertiary (such as an encyclopedia). Sources of health information include media sources such as TV, internet, health organizations, and healthcare providers.
Five reliable sources of health information are;
1. CDC (Center of Disease Control) resource center.
2. WHO (World Health Organization) journals and essays.
3. Medical surveys with reliable sources and evidence.
4. A published doctor's magazine with reliable sources.
5. Health care providers.
1. 3 aerobic exercises: long distance running such as a marathon, swimming (long distsnces), cycling (long distances). Most effective: the most effective exercise that is anaerobic doesn't exist. It all depends on the sport you are training for. Sport specific training is key. If you are a runer then running would be best. If you are swimmer then swimming is best etc. That being said, intensity matters as well. If you are not training at specific intensities that will stress your body then an adaptation will not be possible.
2. 3 anaerboic exercises: weight training, sprinting, plyometrics. Most effective: again depends on your goals.
an anaerobic sport: powerlfiting
soccer requires aerobic glycolysis as your primary energy system. Uses carbohydrates as the primary fuel source. It is a long duration sport that requires one to run and sprint.
powerlifting: is a fast explosive sport. Doesnt require carbs. It relies on phosocreatine as the primary fuel source. Explosive movements at high intensities with maximal exertion.
see above.
<span>Are there any downsides to being a vegetarian?
<span>No, you must have a protein intake by eating legumes (lentil, chickpeas, red beans,) cereals, wheat semolina ...</span></span>