Yes they are but just in a different form. Fractions can be converted to a decimal. 3/5 can be shown as .6. Hope I helped!
3 over 12
Step-by-step explanation:
3 over 12
First, it is important to understand that any equation that is x=some number is just a vertical line that hits the x-axis at the given number. For example, x=-2 would be a vertical line hitting the x-axis at -2. Therefore, the line we are trying to identify would also be vertical (and have the form x=some number) because we know the lines are parallel. Then, since we're given the point (-5,4), we know the line needs to hit the x-axis at -5, therefore the equation would be x=-5.
I hope this helps.
Step-by-step explanation:
Given the functionl
We have, replacing,
We need to derivate and verify for stable equilibrum that,
Roots in,
We obtain U"(x), then we have
For Unestable
For Stable