The name “William Armstrong” is such a strong and bold name for someone so small and weak, when you hear that name you would not picture someone who looks like Doodle.
National and state constitutions included little mention of women. Even though Hoosier women were enumerated in the census which paved the way for statehood and had to share the burden of taxation, they were not allowed to vote or hold office. Rights for which a revolution was fomented were denied women – as they were to slaves, "lunatics," and "idiots."
Further exacerbating the situation, rights normally enjoyed by women were often withdrawn when she married. Indeed, a woman gave up so many civil and property rights upon crossing the threshold that she was said to be entering a state of "civil death." This unhappy circumstance arose partially because American (and Indiana) law was based upon English common law. Predicated on "precedent and fixed principles," common law had dictated a subordinate position for women. Married women generally were not allowed to make contracts, devise wills, take part in other legal transactions, or control any wages they might earn. One of the few legal advantages of marriage for a woman was that her husband was obligated to support her and be responsible for her debts. It is highly doubtful that these latter provisions outweighed the lack of other rights, particularly in the area women faced the most severe restriction, property rights.
Answer: Elie Wiesel, author of Night, uses figurative language to enhance your experience while reading this book. You'll examine four different types of figurative language in this lesson, and their roles in Wiesel's work: personification, symbolism, simile, and metaphor.
'Riding the Bus with My Sister' depicts the theme of struggles of mentally disabled people, and at the same time it shows how such people can teach us some most important lesson of life.
'Riding the Bus with My Sister' is a memoir written by Rachel Simon about her mentally disabled sister, Beth. The story revolves around the relationship between the two sisters and how their lifestyle revolved around riding buses in their home city. The story puts forward the theme of struggles and pleasures of siblings with disabilities.
Apart from this, the story also presents to us that how even disabled people can teach us a lot about love, life, and happiness. From her sister, Simon learned that sometimes it's necessary for us to slow down for a while and enjoy the ride.