tail in Latin is cauda I searched it on Google lol
......................... أنا لا أعرف آسف
Ok ok you make my week hole so now make my hole weak NDJHCJSJKNVJK I'm so sorry :')
Hey there,
I think I may have the answer you are looking for.
Your answer: 11101101
Here are step-by-step instructions on how to convert the decimal number 237 to a binary number.
Step A) Determine if 237 is an even or odd number. If it is even, you assign a 0 and if it is odd you assign a 1.
Step B) Deduct the 1 or 0 in step A from 237 and then divide it by 2. Then, you see if that number is even or odd and then assign a 0 or 1 like step A.
Step C) Repeat step B with the new number until the number you get is 1.
Step D) Put all the 0s and 1s you assigned in reverse order to get the answer.
To illustrate better, we detailed below how we converted 237 decimal to binary using the steps above.
237 → 1
(237 - 1)/2 = 118 → 0
(118 - 0)/2 = 59 → 1
(59 - 1)/2 = 29 → 1
(29 - 1)/2 = 14 → 0
(14 - 0)/2 = 7 → 1
(7 - 1)/2 = 3 → 1
(3 - 1)/2 = 1 → 1
Then you put the binary number above in reverse order and you get the answer: 11101101
I have spent a long time on this answer so please mark it.
Cheers, Jake :)
Answer:Canterbury tales
Okay, let us fill in the gap from the question;
''The CANTERBURY TALES can be described as an epic poem and a framed narrative''.
The Canterbury tales was written by an English poet - Geoffrey Chaucer within the years of 1387 and 1400. The Canterbury tales is written in both verse and prose(although, only two tales are written in prose,that is non-poetic) and it comprise of 23 stories; the book tells a pilgrimage story from Southwark, London to Canterbury. The narrator of is Chaucer himself.
The tales in the book '' Canterbury tales'' consist of tales like; The Merchant's Tale, the Miller's tale, the tale of Sir Thopas and so on.