The traditional instutions and values is based on people taking care of their ownselves in order to move toward the higher economic strata.
The new circumtances on the other hand, encourage people to help others in distributing their wealth so we as a whole society could move together to the higher economic strata.
The press published newspapers about the acts of the Patriots fighting the British
depends on what the red cow is. For example, if the red cow was Bb and dominant black bull is Bb then the percentage of offspring that will be black in color is 75%. If red bulls are bb ( completely recessive) and the black bulls are BB ( completely dominant) then the percentage of black offspring is 100%. Hope this helped. comment if you have questions.
Correct Answer:
A. All of these all correct
Megalopolis also called a city cluster is a group of two or more roughly adjacent metropolitan areas, which may be somewhat separated or may merge into a continuous urban region. <em>For example, the North- East Magalopolis in U.S.A is a region which contained over 50 million people, about 17% of the U.S. population on less than 2% of the nation's land area.</em>
O A producer creates its own food. A consumer eats other organisms for food.