The answers are economic, Political, and natural disasters
Las funciones del Cabildo iban desde el buen gobierno de la ciudad, el control del presupuesto y de las rentas del municipio y el correcto abastecimiento de víveres, hasta la persecución de la delincuencia y la administración de la justicia local.
que tenga un buen día
One of the goals <span>was to end the adverse effects of the crop-lien system on </span>farmers<span> in the period following the American Civil War.</span>
Armenians were massacred by the millions.
Around 1.5 million Armenians were killed during the Armenian Genocide by the Imperial Ottoman Authority. They were killed as a result of an official policy of the Ottomans that consisted in the deportation of millions of Armenias to desertic regions of the Empire, where many of them were used as forced labor, and deprived of basic food, shelter, and sanitation.