
Plants, algae, and some kinds of bacteria have the ability to photosynthesize. They have special organelles called chloroplasts.
These organelles are the site of <u>photosynthesis</u>. They contain green pigment known as chlorophyll which can capture sunlight. The light energy plus carbon dioxide and water are converted into glucose and oxygen.
The glucose becomes the organism's food and energy source, but the oxygen is just released as a waste product.
Nitrogen fixing bacteria is a type of beneficial bacteria (Cyanobacteria) which has the ability to fix the atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium and nitrates form. This atmospheric nitrogen cannot used by the plants so these bacteria fixes it. This is a symbiotic association between plants and bacteria in which both gets benefit. This nitrogen used by the plants and produces more vegetation cover which is a food source of herbivores such as rabbit.
Answer 1.- Well a duck is still a bird. So it has hollow bones that makes its body lighter.It eats insects, worms amphibians and plants, so it's an omnivore.2. It has hollow bones, it has an oily coating that prevents any water from settling in its duck feathers. 3. Feature no. 1-Makes body lighter so it's easier to swim, Feature 2- oily coating prevents water from getting into the feathers, preventing any water being absorbed into their bodies.
Third planet from the sun