Advancement of science and mathematics
Security and prosperity reigned during the early years of the Abbasid rule. Many fields of physics, arithmetic, and medicine have made significant progress. All through the kingdom, universities and institutions of higher learning were established. Arabic architecture and art rose to greater heights, allowing the civilization to prosper.
The stock market cash led many people to withdraw their deposits/take out loans from the banks. And because people could not pay the banks back for this, it ultimately lead to banks not having enough money to function.
Answer: the decision by the United States government to prevent additional settlement
What was meant by the "closing" of the Western frontier was that the United States government wanted to prevent additional settlement.
This decision was as a result of the government's plan to promote the westward expansion after the Civil War, but however, they had to close the Western frontier to prevent additional settlers.
The seas close by brought merchants and trade boats frequently
Orchestration is largely the effect of automation or systems deploying elements of control theory