Answer bro must have a mental disorder its like ur thumb HEAT WAVES the moon becomes red bc of heat waves didnt u say that anyways???
JTextField is a Swing control which can be used for user input or display of output. It corresponds to a textfield and can be included with other controls such as JLabel, JButton,JList etc. on a comprehensive user interface which is application dependent. JTextField supports a read-write mode where the user can enter a value and it also supports a read-only mode which can be used to display non-editable output to the user.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
/* Your code goes here */
int main() {
int input1, input2;
int result;
cin >> input1;
cin >> input2;
result = ComputeNum(input1, input2);
cout << result << endl;
return 0;
By presuming the question expect us to write a program to address the problem and the solution code written in Python is as follow:
- beer_name = input("Enter beer name: ")
- abv = int(input("Enter ABV value: "))
- if(abv > 10):
- label = "Very High"
- elif(abv >=6):
- label = "High"
- elif(abv >=3):
- label = "Average"
- else:
- label = "Low"
- print("Beer Name: " + beer_name)
- print("ABV value: " + str(abv))
- print(label)
Firstly, we can use input function to prompt user to input beer name and ABV value (Line 1 - 2).
Next, create if else if statements to check abv fallen into which range of value and then set a label accordingly (Line 4 -11). For example if abv is 4, the label will be set to "Average".
At last, print the information of beer that includes beer name, abv value and label (Line 13 - 15).
It’s C vinyl records permit magnetic fields