transferring information from one source to another in the same language but a different format
Why doesn't Dr. Logan feel the bed bug feeding on him? The bed bug injects an anesthetic as it feeds. Bed bugs prefer humans over other hosts. Many blood-feeding parasites carry diseases but bed bugs do not.
There are 4 systems involved in this activity. these systems are: the skeletal, muscular, circulatory and digestive systems.
To eat a single bite of turkey it is necessary that 4 systems come into play and work together for this activity to be possible.
First, it is necessary that the turkey is brought to your mouth through the movement of its members. In that sense, the resqueletico and muscular systems will act because it is through them that the movements of the members are created.
Then you will need to bite the turkey, chew it, moisten it with saliva, swallow it and digest it. This work will be done with the digestive system that will manage all of these activities.
Finally, your body will need to absorb the elements that make up the turkey pedal that you ate and that were rescued by digestion, these elements are nutrients, proteins and others. All will be absorbed through the work of the circulatory system, which through the blood will carry the elements throughout the body.
If an individual Drosophila has two or more populations of cells comprising different genotypes from one single egg then it is termed as twin spots or mosaic.
There might be different reasons for mosaic to occur like
Nondisjunctioning of the chromosomes
Lag in anaphase
Mutations in a single cell
Mitotic recombination:
One of the major ways through which mosaic or twin spots arise is the mitotic recombination. It is also termed as somatic cross over. Twin spot or mosaic generally occurs if there is linking of heterozygous genes in repulsion. The recombination generally happens among the centromeres from the adjacent genes.
A common example of the mitotic recombination is the Bloom's syndrome. Bloom's syndrome is caused due to the mutation that occurs in the <em>blm</em> gene. As a result, there are defects in the BLM protein produced.
When two lions compete for the same habitat, shelter, and food