Esta Ley fue enunciada en 1785 por el científico francés Antoine Lavoisier.
La ley de la conservación de la energía afirma que la cantidad total de energía en cualquier sistema físico aislado, permanece invariable con el tiempo, aunque dicha energía puede transformarse en otra forma de energía.
D. All of the above
Just as when we grow and need more food and energy so does a cell. when a cell is growing there is more of it that can be utilized putting more stress on the DNA to code whatever it needs. The bigger the cell is the denser and thicker the cell membrane gets making it harder for materials to work its way in and out of the cell.
What are the 4 stages of natural selection?
The Process of Natural Selection
Variation. Organisms (within populations) exhibit individual variation in appearance and behavior. ...
Inheritance. Some traits are consistently passed on from parent to offspring. ...
High rate of population growth. ...
Differential survival and reproduction.
If an inherited behavior allows an animal to survive and reproduce, the behavior can spread ... Many animals respond to the cycles in the environment with daily or seasonal cycles of behavior. Hope that helps