[The recent activities of fossil fuel combustion has had adverse effects on the ozone layer]- B.
Which sense does not go through the thalamus?<span>One, this is the only sense that does not travel to the thalamus before accessing the fore brain. The thalamus, if you remember, is the relay center for all sensory signals. Nearly all receptors send signals through the thalamus first, which then sends the signals to the proper areas of the brain for perception</span>
Las hormonas pertenecen al grupo de los mensajeros químicos, que incluye también a los neurotransmisores y las feromonas. A veces es difícil clasificar a un mensajero químico como hormona o neurotransmisor.
Todos los organismos multicelulares producen hormonas, incluyendo las plantas (En este último caso se denominan fitohormonas).
the one with the thickest coat will stay the warmest
...decrease in population until the fall season, where leaves are orange to suit the orange beetles