To develop strong habits, become independent in their academics, and to value education in general.
The years of middle school, especially 7th grade, is packed with information that will influence your high school career and forward on. This part of life school is where the tool to prepare you for life really goes to work; And if you pay attention and listen and do what you need to do, especially at this time of life, I promise you, after experiencing and going through middle school myself, you will be prepared, whether you notice or not, for the rest of your academic career, and keep it up, your up for a prepared future just for you.
Direct democracy is a government in which everyone individual has an input on governmental decisions. However, due to America’s large population, it is hard to gather everyone in an area to make those decisions. That is why, in the US, we have a representative democracy—Representatives from each state represent their states decision in making decisions.
The European colonizer looked for more raw materials that were needed to manufacture goods in Europe. While they also needed a new marketplace and Africa helped with that too, that was not the primary benefit that the colonizers got. Africa had a lot of raw materials that were untouched and Europeans used that to their advantage.