<span>CMYK means cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black). They are the four color model used in color printing or printing color images. It lets you subtract the colors on the image. CMYK partially or fully masks colors on a lighter view. </span>
Plagiarism is quite a bad thing because if you plagiarize, you are copying and pasting other people's work and using the work as yours (even though you change the sentence structure/ some words, it is still plagiarizing.) Fair use means un-biasness.
Great question, it is always good to ask away and get rid of any doubts that you may be having.
<em>Specialized vocabulary</em> is sometimes also known as <u>"Jargon"</u> . These are sets of words that are used specifically and uniquely for specific sets of groups or organizations.
For example Lawyers Judges and other law enforcement officials have their own Specialized vocabulary that are better understood by other people in Law enforcement, people that are not part of Law Enforcement might have a hard time understanding.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
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