"Hey i'm the orange, i hate being the orange because well we all die. I was born and raised in flordia. It was amazing until i got picked and almost made for orange juice."I said "Tell us a little more about you almost getting picked" the director said. "Ok, yeah of course anyways i was almost pushed down when they saw a brighter better orange so they used that orange instead." I said. " Did you know the orange?" said the director. "I did that orange was so rude, and was queen bee, so i was happy when she got her guts out." I said. "Thank you, for that it was amazing. You may leave now." said the director. "I got up and left but, then i relized there was a human making orange juice and needed oranges!!!!
As my last minutes approach me, I hope it was all worth it in the end.
It all started on the farm. On our mother tree, who grew us and rationed the nutrients the farmer gave to her. We all loved him, he was very good to the mother trees, like a grandfather. Until one day, it all changed. Us little apples were all picked, by the hundreds, until no one was left. The ones that fell before it happened were trampled, squashed, into mush as their brethren were torn from their mother trees. My source of nutrition, gone in an instant. We were carted away, to what can only be described as hell on Earth. First, We were put in some horrible liquid. I am unable to describe the agony that I felt as my outer skin softened up, no longer able to protect me from whatever horrors lay ahead. Now, I am in a machine, watching my brethren get the life sucked out of them. Pressed until nothing is left of their insides. I watch as this horrible contraption gets closer and closer to me. As it begins to crush my once crisp and wonderful form, I wonder why this is happening to me. What did we ever do to deserve this insuf-...
“Wow! This is some of the best apple juice I’ve had!”
“I know right! I’m so glad we came straight to the farm and got it right off the press!”
In terms of concussion rates per 1000 exposures, the girls' high school sports with the highest rates of concussions are soccer (0.36), basketball (up to 0.21), and lacrosse (0.20).
She was the first female aviater to fly ALL ALONE across the atlantic ocean... in that ruggedy thing. Thats a courageous thing to do, and especially alone