The mixture would be :
1. Homogeneous; dissolving followed by filtration and distillation
salt dissolve in water and will be the filtrate and chalk will be the residue in the filter paper
hope this helps
A nerve impulse from one neuron affects the activity of a neighboring neuron at a point of interaction called the: SYNAPSE
A NEURON(or nerve cell) has 3 parts:
1. The dendrites(multiple)
2. The axon
3. The cell body
A SYNAPSE is an area where the dendrites of one neuron communicates with the axon of another neuron.
At the synapse, nerve impulses are transmitted from one neuron to the other. This is possible through substances called NEUROTRANSMITTERS. There is no direct contact between the axon of one neuron and dendrites of another neuron.
Helikazlar tüm canlılar için hayatî önem taşıyan bir enzim sınıfıdır. Nükleik asitlerin fosfodiester omurgası üzerinde hareket ederek birbirlerine hidrojen bağlarıyla bağlanmış nükleik asit ipliklerini (DNA'nın, RNA'nın veya RNA-DNA hibritlerinin) ayrıştırır.
A light pole
A light pole does not contain any areas in which an organism could inhabit
A hydrothermal vent contain many bacterias which can survive under those conditions, similar to an abandoned mine
The Kowloon Walled City can be considered an ecosystem only because within the City there may be many areas in which an organism could inhabit