d. Reverser Hierarchical
Expansion diffusion is said to be when a particular trend is spread from it originating point to another point. It might be relocation diffusion whereby a relocating resident share his idea and practice to his/her new residence.
Hierarchical diffusion occur when a new cultural practice is shared to another people. Like in the case of Africa's adapting to white pattern of dressing.
Contagious diffusion is a kind of virus trend like in Nigeria where a dance pattern is transfer to a neighboring country like Ghana.
Stimulus diffusion occur when a people adapt an idea from another and modify it. Example ping pong(Table tennis) originating from Asia and modified by another .
Reverser Hierarchical is not a form of expansion diffusion
Salinity means the degree of dissolved salt content in water
In a world without global warming, water in seas or in oceans is salty or saline due to the influx or of rivers and various other sources that bring the water and other geomaterial from the landscapes like soils and various other clays and mud deposits. On an average the sea water consists of about 35 (ppt) part per thousand. mostly of Na and CL ions. More saline the water is more will be its density and less saline water is less is its density thus, freshwater has least density, as compared to the red sea and other sea with more than 37 ppt density. Rainfall is also an important factor in reducing the amount of saltiness.
<h2> not cut trees</h2>
2. do not throw litter everywhere
3. use biodegradable materials instead of plastic
4.use renewable sources of energy
5.avoid burning of wastes
<h2>please mark as brainliest. </h2>
Crust because it is right under the earth’s surface mark me as a brainliest
<span>immigrants dilute European culture
immigrants increase the threat of terrorism
immigrants live in rural areas