The first Apple ‘office’ was in a garage. But do you know who founded the computer giant?The first Apple ‘office’ was in a garag
e. But do you know who founded the computer giant?The first Apple ‘office’ was in a garage. But do you know who founded the computer giant?The first Apple ‘office’ was in a garage. But do you know who founded the computer giant?The first Apple ‘office’ was in a garage. But do you know who founded the computer giant?The first Apple ‘office’ was in a garage. But do you know who founded the computer giant?The first Apple ‘office’ was in a garage. But do you know who founded the computer giant?The first Apple ‘office’ was in a garage. But do you know who founded the computer giant?The first Apple ‘office’ was in a garage. But do you know who founded the computer giant?The first Apple ‘office’ was in a garage. But do you know who founded the computer giant?The first Apple ‘office’ was in a garage. But do you know who founded the computer giant?The first Apple ‘office’ was in a garage. But do you know who founded the computer giant?The first Apple ‘office’ was in a garage. But do you know who founded the computer giant?The first Apple ‘office’ was in a garage. But do you know who founded the computer giant?The first Apple ‘office’ was in a garage. But do you know who founded the computer giant?The first Apple ‘office’ was in a garage. But do you know who founded the computer giant?
Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne founded the computer giant
Apple computers was a company that started on April 1, 1976, with a partnership between Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne as they developed a product that would change a lot of things in the life of many around the world, later on, Ronald Wayne sold his part of the company al left the project.
In the space provided, write whether the verb in sentence is active voice or passive voice. Since the second century B.C., Indian women have worn saris.