My sweet,quiet father surprised us with his outburst yesterday
Your only describing the father with 2 words. A comma is only necessary if you were using 3 words
An unintentional injury is an injury inflicted upon a person without the suspect's purpose of a motive whereas intentional is the opposite and the suspect has a motive behind the injury.
Intentional: Mark decides to get revenge on Matt for flirting with his girlfriend. He picks up the golf putter at their nightly outting of Go-Go Golf and smacks the metal end down on Matt's collarbone. The force cracks his collarbone.
Unintentional: Maria is driving but is slightly under the influence. She sees a man crossing the road in the middle of the night and attempts to swerve out of the way. She clips his calves and heels, causing burns/lacerations on his legs, but he is otherwise okay.
The correct closing would be:- With warm wishes,
Answer: C) with warm wishes,
(on a side note, you may add your name for example:-
With warm wishes, Marie Hannah)
It should be....Brandon is visiting his grandmother next week; he can't march in the parade.
His figurative language helped considerably to achieve his goal. In “Any Human to Another”, Cullen uses a simile in the following stanza, “Your grief and mine must intertwine like sea and river be fused and mingle, diverse yet single, forever and forever”