When using any search engine, there are actually functions (terms) known as Boolean operators that one can type into the search bar that assist in the research one is doing. You know how when searching the internet, you might have to sift through many “hits” that you find useful because information that is not useful keeps being included? What you can do, thus, is include the command “NOT” (in all capital letters) after your main search terms followed by words you no longer want to see, and the search engine should provide results without the terms following NOT. For instance, you if did an internet search for “pets” but did not want your results to include dogs, if you typed in the following, your results would be largely without the word “dogs”:
<em>pets NOT dogs</em>
<span>One should be patient and gather facts before one misinterprets them.
Cassius sees Titinius go down to fight and misunderstands the situation. He thinks that Titinius has been captured and killed because of Pindarus' false report, so takes drastic measures to have Pindarus hold his sword so he can fall on it, dying. </span>
it is a roughly built hut so calling a house a shack is just wrong