the highest achievable point if satisfaction known to mankind itself.
Preventing the creation of a national bank
banking practices that put the entire financial system at risk
What caused the crash of the real estate market in 2008 can be traced to "banking practices that put the entire financial system at risk."
This is evident in the fact that many Lenders were observed to be less stringent in their approach in lending credit to borrowers, including those that are not fit to acquire the credits.
This led to increasing housing prices to a degree that many could not really have the money for.
1) Abraham Lincoln faced the collapse of the union and the abolition of slavery as president
2) Jefferson Davis (1808-1889) was a Mexican war hero, U.S. senator of war and president of the confederate states of war and president of the Confederate states of America for the duration of the American Cilvil War
3) Davis faced difficulties throughout the war as he struggled to manage the southern war effort maintain control the confederate economy and keep new nations united.