The cafeteria makes his feel queasy and sick just thinking about it because of his past experiences he associates with the stomach viruses he caught.
It is said that not only the ancient Mesopotamians but the entire civilisation taking place during the prehistoric era believed in the idea that the Gods created the humans in order to serve them. One of the most famous Gods among the ancient Mesopotamian culture were the entities Anu, which is the god of heaven, and Enlil, which is the god of air.
The statements that accurately describe the Persian Wars are:
A. The Athenians relied on their navy to defeat Xerxes
C. Athens emerged from the wars damaged but ready to rebuild
D. The Greek city-states surprised the Persians with their united effort to defend Greece
E. The Persian armies defeated the Greeks at Salamis
The Persian Empire was the strongest empire that defeated most of the areas of Greece and Athens. The empire was colonizing these countries to further ensure a stronger power or colonization of other powerful countries.
I am a democrat.
I am what most people call a liberal, enlightened thinkers who wish for humankind to evolve in a better way both in knowledge and morals. Although i do not belive in god I do not go out of my way to disprove his existence or tell anyone else otherwise. Im a strong beliver in human rights for ALL humans which is a topic that sets us apart from republicans who are more conservative and racist. In my opinion, it is the wish of republicans to set back this country based on flawed logic and values that dehumanizes honest people everywhere.