Arrival at Plymouth
Mayflower arrived in New England on November 11, 1620, after a voyage of 66 days. Although the Pilgrims had originally intended to settle near the Hudson River in New York, dangerous shoals and poor winds forced the ship to seek shelter at Cape Cod.
Greg's this behavior of uncertainty is truly justified, as he has news of big lay offs in the country and especially in his city where he works. He is also uncertain about what exactly his boss thinks about his work because his boss sometimes says good about his work and sometimes says worst. He is totally devastated and has trouble sleeping at night due to overthinking about the lay off wave.
But despite his behavior is justified, he must think positive about his work and should focus more on work rather than sitting and funking at his desk. He should show more good work in these days especially to be in the good books of his boss, otherwise his this shattered behavior will make the decision of his lay off easier for his boss.
A.) Entitled not only to be paid for additional time but also to be paid overtime if she works more than forty hours in a week.
The Fair Labor standards Act of 1938 is US labour law that deals with the right to minimum wage and overtime pay if people work for over 40 hours in a weeks. It also prohibits organisations from employing the minors . The law is applicable to the employees that are employed by enterprises active in commerce of production.
FLSA was written by senator Hugo Black in 1932 but his proposal could not met with resistance in 1937. A revised version of his proposal was passed in 1938 that accepted forty hour workweek and the labours could earn wages for overtime. According to its provisions the workers would be paid minimum wage and the overtime pay should be one and a half times the regular pay.
Franklin D Roosevelt considered this act as one of the most important pieces of New Legislation.
A person's executive functioning skills make it possible for them to live, work, and learn with an appropriate level of independence and competence for their age. Executive functioning allows people to access information, think about solutions, and implement those solutions
The executive is the branch of government exercising authority in and holding responsibility for the governance of a state. The executive executes and enforces law.
In political systems based on the principle of separation of powers, authority is distributed among several branches (executive, legislative, judicial)—an attempt to prevent the concentration of power in the hands of a single group of people. In such a system, the executive does not pass laws (the role of the legislature) or interpret them (the role of the judiciary). Instead, the executive enforces the law as written by the legislature and interpreted by the judiciary. The executive can be the source of certain types of law, such as a decree or executive order. Executive bureaucracies are commonly the source of regulations.
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