How members of the lower house of Congress should be elected. -What should be done about the slave trade. -How the power of the executive branch be structured. -How the Constitution should be considered for ratification. -How the states should be represented in national legislature. -the national governments role in issuing paper money. -division of national and state powers. -extent of veto power. -which governmental body should have the power to declare war. -if slaves should be counted in determining representation in national legislature
Hope this helps
Liberation Theology.
According to my research on different religious beliefs, I can say that based on the information provided within the question Rosa and Sergei's actions are an example of Liberation Theology. This term basically refers to any movement that attempts to solve the problem of poverty and social injustice while at the same time dealing with certain spiritual matters.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
e.All of these are true.
Bechel is an engineering company that operates in the field of construction and civil and architectural project management. It is the largest US construction contractor and is the 11th most successful privately owned American company. About Bechel, we can say that its competitive advantage is project management, it was the Hoover Dam construction contractor while helping to rebuild Iraq. Bechtel teams have had to travel under armed escort. Bechtel's procurement program is global in nature.
cons:Less money, discrimination