The Hartford Convention
"This mostly Federalist convention in New England ended up suggesting some constitutional amendments but was alleged to consider the secession of New England from the Union and a separate peace with Britain. After the war the convention was widely viewed as an act of treason and a black mark on the reputation of the Federalist party."
StackExchange - History
You didn’t put choices for what we can pick from, but as far as i can see, i would put Aztec Religion!
Explaining: If they feared the Aztec people then i would assume that they also fear their religious practice!
Old travelers who go to railroad stops found no dining cars, a few eateries along the routes and no hotels. Vendors and saloons sold old items so over time restaurants and hotels became tourist attractions.
The Anti-Federalists believed in a "loose" interpretation of the Constitution, since they wanted the Federal Government to have more control over the individual states, meaning that they wanted the powers that were not explicitly stated in the Constitution to go the federal government.
Answer: Kyoto protocol was developed under the United Nations Framework Convention.
The Kyoto protocol is operational for climate change in industrialized countries. It amend them to limit the release of greenhouse gases. The argument for the Kyoto protocol in only in developed countries to fight against the climate change. The developing countries were exempted from reductions requirements.