the abbreviation AD is an abbreviated time period that stands for Anno Domini or In the Year of the Lord.
This is driven by a number of factors, alone or in combination, such as drought, climatic shifts, tillage for agriculture, overgrazing and deforestation for fuel or construction materials
John Locke (1632-1704)John Locke was English philosopher who formulated one of the most influential theories of contractual government. He theorized that individuals granted political rights to their rulers but retained personal right to life, liberty and property and that any ruler that violated those rights was subject to disposition. In effect, Locke's political thought relocated sovereignty, removing it from rulers as divine agents and vesting it in the people of a society.Louis XVI (reigned 1774-1793)King Louis XVI was the king of France. He was able to raise more revenue from the overburdened peasantry, so he sought to increase taxes on the French nobility, which had long been exempt from many levies. In May 1789, he called the Estates General into session at the royal palace of Versailles in hopes that it would authorize new taxes. After revolution was declared, he became a victim of the guillotine along with his wife, Queen Marie Antoinette after being found guilty of treason.Maximilien Robespierre (1758-1794)Maximilien Robespierre was a lawyer by training who had emerged during the revolution as a ruthless but popular, radical known as "the Incorruptible". He dominated the Committee of Public Safety, the executive authority of the Republic. He helped to promote the revolutionary agenda.
I don't know what you're referring to, and don't think it was much different than defending against a number of well-armed, trained, and disciplined troops. If anything, the German Army in WWII was a really tough bunch.
<span>Two things may show some differences, however, at least in the war in the Pacific. Japanese were far more willing to fight to the last man, rather than surrender, whereas most German units would stick the white flag up when it was clear that they had lost the engagement, and had no retreat. In "island hopping", the US also took on extremely fortified Japanese positions that were not destroyed with even massive bombing and naval fire</span>
There were 4 major causes (actually) that led to the Great Depression, which were:
-the stock market crash in 1929
-bank failures (similar to the one in 2008, but I'm just nerding out at this point)