Il existe de nombreux exemples de portfolios d’artistes en ligne. Trouvez-en un et partagez un lien vers celui-ci. En vous basant sur le portfolio, écrivez quelques phrases évaluant l'artiste. S'il y a les réponses d'autres élèves sur le forum de discussion, examinez-les et voyez si vous êtes d'accord ou pas d'accord avec leur opinion sur le travail des artistes.

This means that on your graph at 6 it's a circle (not colored in) and it goes to the left indefinitely...
Thus, your answer.
the lowest passing score would be x = 298
Step-by-step explanation:
School wishes that only 2.5 percent of students taking test pass
We are given
mean= 200,
standard deviation = 50
We need to find x
The area under the curve can be found by:
2.5 % = 0.025
So, 1- 0.025 = 0.975
We need to find the value of z for which the answer is 0.975
Looking at the z-score table, the value of z is: 1.96
Now, using the formula:
z = x - mean/standard deviation
1.96 = x - 200/50
=> 1.96 * 50 = x-200
98 = x - 200
=> x = 200+98
x = 298
So, the lowest passing score would be x = 298
Step-by-step explanation:
5/6=0.83333 repeating
5 adults
Step-by-step explanation:
So 4 adults are taken for 32 children. We can use 32 divided by 4 to see how many children it takes to assign an adult. the answer to this would be 8. if 8 more children are added ( which would make 32+8 which is 40) than another adult would be needed.