First you need to convert 32 into a fraction, so just add 1 as the denominator; 5/8 ÷ 32/1. But you can't divide fractions, so multiply by the reciprocal. 5/8 · 1/32. You should get 5/256 as your answer. I hope that helped!
24v9w9 + 28v5w7y8
Also sub to Stariceie E
<span>#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class InventoryTag {
int getQuantityRemaining() const;
void addInventory(int numItems);
int quantityRemaining;
InventoryTag::InventoryTag() {
quantityRemaining = 0;
int InventoryTag::getQuantityRemaining() const {
return quantityRemaining;
void InventoryTag::addInventory(int numItems) {
if (numItems > 10) {
quantityRemaining = quantityRemaining + numItems;
int main() {
InventoryTag redSweater;
int sweaterShipment = 0;
int sweaterInventoryBefore = 0;
sweaterInventoryBefore = redSweater.getQuantityRemaining();
sweaterShipment = 25;
cout << "Beginning tests." << endl;
// FIXME add unit test for addInventory
/* Your solution goes here */
cout << "Tests complete." << endl;
return 0;
In calculus, the squeeze theorem, also known as the pinching theorem, the sandwich theorem, the sandwich rule, the police theorem, the between theorem and sometimes the squeeze lemma, is a theorem regarding the limit of a function. In Italy, the theorem is also known as theorem of carabinieri.
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