That statemet is False
The reason why people use folic acid supplement is to prevent Anemia, stroke, and heart disease . Consuming the supplement before the child is born could also enhance the development of brain and spinal cord of the infants. The supplement cannot prevent blindness.
1. "I need to increase my fluid intake."
Iron medications can cause irritation in the stomach and dosctors recommend to take them between meals. They are also associated with constipation and thus the client should increase fluids and fiber in the diet to counteract this side effect. Third, iron medications should be taken with a substance that is high in vitamin C to increase its absorption. And last the tablet is swallowed whole and not chewed.
The answer is 40 hours. A minimum of 40 hours of driving experience, 6 hours of which must be at night, is required for a teen to obtain a Class D Georgia Driver's License.
Pulmonary circulation transports oxygen poor blood from the right ventricle to the lungs to get oxygenated.