Cost-benefit is related to a process that assesses the relation between the cost of an undertaking and the value of the resulting benefits.
The correct answer is that the researchers must and should contact the prison authorities immediately with regards to the future inmate's medical issue and report the events that had occurred to the IRB of record.
IRB or Institutional Review Board is an administrative system made to cover the right and welfare of existing human research subjects, who applied for such research activities or experiments.
Answer: William’s attorney indicated the parties should sign an agreement before the two get married that clearly states the ownership rights each party enjoys in the other party's property. This is known as a:
Explanation: A prenuptial agreement, antenuptial agreement, or premarital agreement (PNA), commonly abbreviated as prenup, is a contract entered into prior to marriage, civil union, or any agreement prior to the main agreement by the people intending to marry or contract with each other.
The content of a prenuptial agreement can vary widely, but commonly includes provisions for division of property and spousal support in the event of divorce or breakup of marriage.
The statement included above is true.
The Federal Reserve is the US Central Bank. Its functions consist on controlling the money supply in order to soften recession periods, to maintain acceptable levels of inflation (price levels) and to ensure maximum employment figures.
The Federal Reserve is independent of the US goverment, its decisions do not need to be ratified by the President. This enables that the decisions taken are only triggered by economic aims and incentives, and there are no temptations, from the side of the goverment politicians, to use the mechanisms of the money supply to achieve short-term political or electoral goals. Money supply should be managed taking into account long-term economic objectives. Its independency from the goverment also makes it easier to approve policies than are unpopular but economically benefitial in the long-run, as afterwards, its Board of Directors will not be punished by the electorate.
However, the Federal Reserve works under the surveillance of the Congress.