The appropriate response is Ethnocentrism, drive out European colonialism. Unmistakably the essential main impetus for the Imperialism in Europe was ethnocentrism and not the prudent advantages the Europeans were making. Ethnocentrism is judging another culture exclusively by the qualities and measures of one's own way of life. Ethnocentric people judge different gatherings in respect to their own ethnic gathering or culture, particularly with worry for dialect, conduct, traditions, and religion.
People should rest one day a week.
Although both religions were born in the same region and based on the same mythological belief, the culture of peoples eventually led them to different paths and situations of intense conflict that deviate or even address the precept of both religions. However, even in the face of differences, Christians, Jews, and Muslims share some similarities, such as faith in one God and belief in a messiah. In addition, Judaism, Islam, and for a long time Christianity believed that one day of the week should be reserved so that everyone could use that day only for worship and prayers to the one God, that day was represented by the seventh day of the week. which represented the day God rested when He created the universe.
"They promised bills and laws in favor of immigrants in exchange for votes" is the one way among the following choices given in the question that political machines, such as Tammany Hall, work with and for immigrants.
Sons of Liberty merchants started to boycot British goods. That has cut the American purchases from England by 50% effecting British merchants dramatically.
Gideon v. Wainwright
In it, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that states are required under the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to provide an attorney to defendants in criminal cases who are unable to afford their own attorneys.