We say that a single study proves a theory because those who are smart enough can get it done quickly, and we say that a single study disproves a theory because that means it makes them feel smart when we disprove someone very intelligent but also it's to make sure if nothing was done wrong
I can't really give you two paragraphs but one (and probably the biggest) thing was democracy. Democracy is the 'everyone gets a fair vote' and the Romans had originally started that system. After the Roman empire fell apart, the system was completely forgotten until the USA became its own country.
Another thing that we took from the Romans is archetecture. (<-- spelled wrong). Before buildings were built with steel, American's had to rely on the Roman columns, domes, and arches. Arches are great for distributing weight so that the building wouldn't collapse in on itself and so are domes. They spread the weight evenly so that you don't have to use massive pillars to hold the building up. But when steel began to be produced, the Roman architechture became more of a decorative thing because steel is a lot stronger and can support more weight.
Your back
Your spinal cord is one of the main hosts of sensory muscles and veins which are highly sensitive.
Also, a good rule of thumb is that your back is often more receptive to high or low-temperature precursors (such as scalding/freezing water) compared to the hand, so keep that in mind.
Hope that helps :)
all hurricane katrina victims are having experiences similar to his
Zeitoun is saying that he and the victims of Hurricane Katrina suffered several storms. He said this, because after the hurricane, zeitoun who is a Syrian American was aware that there were island survivors near his home, so he rescued an old aluminum boat in the garage and walked around the neighborhood, helping those that he found. The voluntary Round becomes a routine, and for a week zeitoun has transformed the small vessel into an extension of official support to the victims of the disaster, until the intervention of military and paramilitary troops, including Blackwater mercenary agents and thousands of uniformed men armed up to his teeth, abruptly interrupted Zeitoun's activities. He was arrested in a place that very much resembles the gloomy Guantanamo, without any justification or even the right to make a phone call to his wife.