The ancient Egyptians' attitude towards death was influenced by their belief in immortality.
Either the son of the Pharaoh took over, or rarely the wife would take over.
To ensure the continuity of life after death, people paid homage to the gods, both during and after their life on earth. When they died, they were mummified so the soul would return to the body, giving it breath and life. Household equipment and food and drink were placed on offering tables outside the tomb's burial chamber to provide for the person's needs in the after world. Written funerary texts consisting of spells or prayers were also included to assist the dead on their way to the after world.
Participation in the Senate
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His homo economic man was also more often represented as a moral person. He is the author of The Wealth of Nations and The Theory of Moral Sentiments.
B: Speech that expressed protest or promoted violence was increasingly protected. (APEX)