When the Black Death swept over Europe and wiped out a third of its population, it also dismantled Feudalism. Serfs were free to leave the lands of the lords to seek higher wages with the vast labour shortages. The land that had usually been the primary source of wealth was now worthless.
Racisms and and yes free mee
In August 1920, he urged Indians to withdraw their children from British-run schools, boycott the law courts, quit their colonial government jobs, and continue to refuse to buy imported cloth. Now called "Mahatma," meaning "Great Soul," Gandhi spoke to large crowds throughout the country.
I choose North
I oppose everything about the South: Slavery is one of the main reasons i oppose the south
The Battle of Fort Sumter started The War.
This will bring many deaths to Americans living in the Confederacy and the Union alike.
The South Left because The Republican Party was made to stop the spread of Slavery. The South didnt want that and left so that they could keep slavery and ¨Replace the Broken Government
The establishment of presidential term limits.